The students don't think that present day advertising is working as far as cessation is concerned so they have devised this rather frightening, brutal approach to 'force people to quit'. "The final idea was to go out and literally ambush smokers and take their cigarettes off them. The adverts don't works so we are going to make you stop smoking."
Now let's hold up here a minute folks and dissect this load of garbage:-
a...The students don't think.....correct
b...that present day advertising is working....and who are THEY to configure such when ASH, CRUK & Governments say they are (even though they want more & more!)
c...The final mean there were even more ideas from this loonytoon bunch? God help us!
d...and literally ambush smokers.....ambush (dict'y)concealment of assailants to make a surprise attack, to attack from. Premeditated forms of assault-illegal !
e...and take their cigarettes off them.....gaining another's property through illegal means-theft; pure & simple. we are going to make you stop smoking.....err, pardon me! is this the first formation of policy doers, to be known as the Chatham Gestapo? To force someone do do something against their will also happens to be illegal !
Margherita Gramegna, artist in residence at the school, said "But we researched it properly and planned it in such a way that we covered all possibilities. So is this stupid woman telling us that it is suddenly outside the law to ambush innocent people going about their lawful business on our High streets because it concerns smoking? Is this obviously non English named woman is totally unaware of English law?
I am absolutely amazed that the British public, smokers vilified from every angle, have put up with this sort of treatment. I for one would NOT. Dancing round me chanting "Ciggy Busters, Ciggy Busters" like demented 6 year olds would send me well over the top. After enquiring (politely) if they were raving mad I would simply 999 and state I was being attacked by a mob on the high street. So long as I didn't say i was a smoker I'm sure our noble Plod would be there within minutes. But I am of a placid nature-fortunately for them!
My mate, who has a temperament somewhat akin to a permanently raging bull (since July 1st, 2007) would not bother with such pleasantries. Barry would simply bellow "fuck off", eyeball to eyeball and if no movement within 3 seconds, plant them on the spot-probably 2 0r 3 before they knew what was happening! After all, legally, he would be protecting his property-his cigarette that he bought and paid for. Now what would the local Plod think of that?
This is one of the most ludicrous, 'bear-baiting' ideas I've ever had the displeasure to come across. It is like advertising 'OPEN SEASON' on smokers. It is despicable, it is immoral, but it is newsworthy of the gutter press!
Watch, and be impressed, you anti smokers, as your proteges strut their stuff!
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