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Monday, 15 February 2010

American Stop Smoking Society (ASSS) assess the E-cigarette

Protect your Family:

Do you have children? Call on your child's school to remove smokers' children NOW - before it's TOO LATE and your children die of CANCER

Ignore the Evidence:

Yes, the largest trial of 100,000 smokers over 40 years found no connection between lung cancer and passive smoking - but these people are scientists, not lawyers! What the hell do they know? 

Education for Smoker's Children - N0!!!

Why bother when they are probably going to die of cancer by the time they are 70!

Prohibition - YES!!!

We believe banning smoking could be as effective as banning alcohol was in America!


ASSS is calling now for separate schools, beaches, and buses for smokers, at least as a temporary measure before implementing the final solution.

Health Care for Smokers - NO!!!

Why should smokers enjoy health care, just because they pay for it several times over with cigarette taxes? Like our hero John Banzhaf, we support killing smokers via denial of medical care. 

Are you a smoker? 

You murdering bastard! The best thing you can do is kill yourself. Contact us now for a suicide pack. 


One dose of nicotine can make you an addict for life, as well as causing your veins to explode. (Unless the nicotine is contained in one of our sponsors nicotine cessation products, such as Nicocraap, in which case it is fine.)

Electronic Cigarette Warning: 

A warning message about the dangerous and disgusting Electronic Cigarette!

If it looks like smoking with their heads:

All thanks to Leafar for giving me this link...I couldn't stop laughing.
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